Sep 14, 2009


In class last week we discussed the miracles of the book of Acts. It was awesome to see the way God moved in sometimes mysterious but always powerful ways. Each of us shared with the class what we took home from each miracle. Two of these miracles involve Paul and one Peter. When Peter healed Aeneas of a palsy in Acts 9:33-34 it made me think about not depending on "full-time" ministers as the people of Lydda apparently did. In Acts 9:1-9 I loved the story of Paul's conversion because it truly proved that God can save anyone and God can use anyone. However the act of God that has impacted me most is when Peter is delivered out of prison by an angel. Originally when I had read this passage I noticed the power of God, the grace of God, and the omnipotence of God. However when I read Acts this time I realized the power of prayer. God choose to truly bless the prayers of the saints that were praying specifically for Peter's deliverance. As a matter of fact God choose to bless them so much as to bring Peter to them. This story in Acts chapter 12:7-17 really made me think. Often times we as Christians underestimate the power of prayer. We believe that if someone isn't going they aren't doing God's will. Missionaries today if you ask them will tell you their greatest need is prayer, more than money. I hear that, it is usually in one ear and out the other. I need to truly take prayer more seriously for myself, for nonbelievers, but also for other Christians. Hopefully the words "I'm prayin' for you" will truly take the meaning, "I'm praying for you!"

1 comment:

  1. Wow, so true. Often times I do the same with prayer. No take it as serious as I should. Even when praying, allowing doubt about what I am praying about to seep in. What a great word for the day.

    Nice start to the blog too !!!
